First off notice the tag line says the RIGHT GUY not just a guy....or else your looking in the wrong place...anyways here are my 11 ways to make the RIGHT guy to like you.
1. Be kind
When I was Twelve I had the worst time acting normally
around guys, I was sarcastic, and often rude. Although it was unintentional
many guys didn’t like to hang around me. Yes, it was that awkward stage, but
still if I would have kept my mouth shut or maybe said a kind word to one of
them, things might have gone a lot smoother. For me and for them.
2. Be honest
Okay, I know this is probably the hardest thing to do. You
don’t want to lead them on and think that you’re opening up to them just
because you like them, but you don’t want to reject them either. If your upset
and they ask you what’s wrong and you don’t want to talk about it just say “I
really don’t want to talk about it, but I could really use some prayer.” Or if
you are good friends with them and are comfortable about it tell them!
This goes for if a guy is advancing on you too quickly.
Believe me I know the feeling. You don’t know what to say, so you just leave
it. YOU NEED TO SPEAK UP!!! A lot of emotional hurt will be avoided if you just
talk to him.
3. Be Willing to wait
If you go after every guy out there, then you’re in for a
world of pain. We’ve heard the phrase “There’s more than one fish in the sea”
or something like that. Yes, that may be true, but if you go after every guy in
the sea then you will lose a lot of respect in their eyes.
4. Don’t seem desperate
Again back to the needy thing. That goes for social media
too. If you are constantly posting on Facebook, Twitter, and Google plus about
waiting for the right guy and how you’re already planning out your wedding,
guys often try to avoid you, sorry. Also we all know that one girl who constantly
changing her relationship status from single to, is taken every 24-168hrs. (It’s
annoying isn’t it?)
5. Put on some clothes
I talked in a past post about Modesty, guys are just looking
for some eye candy and once they eat it, they throw away the wrapper.
(Look at this for more information on this topic
6. Find your self-worth
You need to find why you are important, and let me tell you
something, it’s not from your looks, your money, your friends, your popularity,
or that hot new boyfriend you just got. Your Self-Worth should come from God!
7. Care for guy things too
I know this is a given, but I have learned if you want to
make friends with ANYONE you have to be willing to give a little to get a
little. Meaning if you want to talk to that guy about girl stuff, than you’d
better to be willing to talk to that guy about guy stuff.
Video Games!!!
8. Make him feel needed
Let the guy know you don’t know what you would do without
him. Have him open something, or just share with him something important. This
can go a long way in a guy’s eyes. And a well place “I don’t know what I would
do without you couldn’t hurt either.
9. Encourage chivalry
If a guy opens a door for you walk through it and thank him!
If he pulls out a chair, sit and thank him. If you’re at a formal dance and he
offers you his hand or his arm take it! More girls wish guys would act chivalrous,
when in reality they don’t encourage him to be!
Set boundaries
Whether emotional, spiritually, physically it is IMPORTANT!
I have had a few experiences with guys and to tell you the truth, it is hard as
all get out to set these boundaries, but they are IMPORTANT! Plus, if he really
loves you he will respect those boundaries you set and wait.
Also, you know you have a good guy if he is setting boundaries
for himself. And will stick to them.
Last but not least, Be Yourself!
If you are not yourself then the guy is not really getting
to know the real you! If he was a real man he would accept you, size, shape,
quirks and all.
Remember the right guy will wait until Marriage for you, and that is just the way God planned it. :)
So here we are at the final paragraph! Do you agree with any
of this? Or do you disagree?
Also heads up! Thank you so much Blimey Cow for giving me
this wonderful idea! Please go and watch their video at:
This is all I have, if you have any suggestions please
comment below! If you have any feedback, comment below! If you liked this post,
then PLEASE like it! Also please share and tweet me! Also Sign up for the email
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