Saturday, June 28, 2014

Maturity Levels

You may have noticed the title, and no I do not mean as in bodily growth, what I do mean is mental.
The One thing I HATE to hear from people is "I am mature for my age" When they are obviously not. I just want to stare at them and tell them "Then Why are you flirting with every guy/girl you meet? Are you serious? Come on, you act your age, and not the mature one, but the one that the world expects you to be."
Another phrase I hear is, "I'm smarter than people think I am." Just like the previous comment, this means that people are so insecure that they have to repeat it, and it makes it worse when you make no comment about how smart they are.
The common teenager calls themselves mature, expects to be treated as mature, yet act immature.
But, this is not the fault of merely the teenager (I am not shifting blame in any way), but it can mostly be attributed to the lower expectations of adults. Yet, we still have the choice to act mature, though we do not.
Maybe, just maybe. If we act more mature than the rest of the crowd, we can be treated as though we were Mature...
Just random thoughts for you to chew on. :)
Disclaimer: If you are my friend, I am not aiming it at you. If you see yourself in the picture I just painted, maybe its time for a change, but otherwise, this is just due to observations.

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